Where do you want to be in three years?

This weekend I sat in my favourite coffee shop window whilst the rain pattered against the glass and let my mind go…

What would I love life to look like in 3 years?

In my last email, I talked about your North Star…a big, audacious goal for what good could look like in the distant future….

Part of actually getting to this dream end state are smaller sprints that make progress towards it.

As someone who’s been visioning for a decade, I’ve learnt that these shorter-horizon visualisations are incredibly powerful. They help to bridge what might seem like an impossibly big gap between where you are now and where you’d like to be.

Because if you allow yourself to use the full potential of your North Star, you’ll have let your imagination run wild. So, perhaps you're forgivably sceptical about how you’re actually going to make this happen…

But when you start to consider what those shorter-term moves could be, you can begin to contemplate a possible route. You have a strategy for this all-important game of life-chess.

How could you achieve checkmate whilst also checking that this is a direction of travel that will make you happy?

It’s like you’re on one side of a pond and your dream life is on the other…these shorter-term goals are the hypothetical lily pads you could jump across to arrive at your dream destination.

These nearer-term ideas should feel stretching, but attainable. You want to be able to connect the dots between life today and later through manageable yet transformative iterations…

This should then present some immediate potential actions you could take to actualise the change you want to see.

Of course, reality will likely look different to what you envisaged as the universe has her own ideas.

Casting my mind back to where I hoped I’d be three years ago, I haven’t hit many of the ego-heavy goals I wished for, like ticking off a Ted Talk or having thousands of followers.

But I’m a lot further than I thought I might be on the important stuff, like here I am running my own thriving personal development business.

Three years ago, this felt like a daunting pipedream.

But, see, it wasn’t a pipedream, was it?

Nope. Lily pad by lily pad, I’ve made it materialise. And just like I’ve done so far, lily pad by lily pad, I’ll keep making my dreams happen. One leap at a time.

As can you, my friend. As can you...


Navigating to your North Star